Still Home

Still Home

by: Rachel Harkai
Release date: Mar 1st, 2008

Finding their inspiration everywhere from Landrum's northern mountain views to the southernmost streets of rural Woodruff, two dozen poets present Spartanburg's definitive poetic landscape in Still Home: The Essential Poetry of Spartanburg. Read More

Softcover - $10.00
(ISBN: 978-1-891885-59-4 )

With masterful language and unfailing Southern sentiment, the poets of Still Home represent the coming-of-age of a new generation of contemporary Southern writers, channeling the natural beauty of the Carolina landscape, and tackling the tragedies and comedies of everyday life.

Through sometimes real and sometimes imagined visions of the past, the Still Home collection's exploration of the elements that define a place condenses the cycles of natural history from their grander scope within all of recorded time down to the everyday events of a single life. Here, these Spartanburg poets invite us into their kitchens, their yards, and sometimes, even into the homes of the unknowing next-door neighbor whose hanging blinds have been left ajar.

Poets included in this anthology either live in or come from Spartanburg and are publishing their work in national or regional journals and books. Some of them have won literary prizes. They include: Philip Belcher, Butler Brewton, Elizabeth Cox, Louis Dischler, Elizabeth Drewry, Edwin Epps, Marcel Gauthier, Aly Goodwin, Frances Hardy, Tom Johnson, Angela Kelly, John Lane, Gail McCullough, Mamie Morgan, Rick Mulkey, Robert Mulkey, Kristopher Neely, Scott Neely, Jennie Neighbors, Fred Parrish, Alex Richardson, Emily Smith, P.L. Thomas and Deno Trakas.

Rachel Harkai

Rachel Harkai

Rachel Harkai was the 2007-2008 Writer-in-Residence with the Hub City Writers Project. A native of Grand Rapids, Michigan, she is the recipient of bachelor's degrees in Creative Writing and Comparative Literature from the University of Michigan. She has received Hopwood Awards for both poetry and nonfiction.

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